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Tag Archives: traffic control
Naughtie but too nice?
In the news today: cuts in government subsidies to local bus services, i.e. a kick in the teeth for the people, against a backdrop of abysmal existing provision, punitive parking controls in towns, and government obsession with a £60bn hi-speed … Continue reading
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Tagged James Naughtie, Martin Cassini, Today Programme, traffic control, traffic system reform
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Dissing and disabling us
The Observer has an article about indoor pursuits and health+safety fears causing a decline in the physical strength of children. Similarly, by prohibiting autonomous acts, traffic controls weaken our ability to make decisions. Increasingly, pedestrians and drivers are incapable of crossing … Continue reading
The point of Poynton
Traffic control produces congestion, pollutes the planet, kills the joy, sucks tens of billions from the public purse, makes roads dangerous, and yes, kills children. Spontaneous lights-out-of-action events and lights-off trials show that humans are more than capable of negotiating … Continue reading
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Tagged Ben Hamilton-Baillie, Howard Murray, Poynton, TfL, traffic control
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The anti-social network
The traffic control system.
AUTOcracy v DEMOcracy
Emerging democracies in North Africa need support to help them avoid a reversion to autocracy, said the Foreign Secretary in his Mansion House speech last night. Is it far-fetched to see a parallel with roads? Britain is known for its … Continue reading
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Tagged authoritarianism, autocracy, democracy, freedom of choice, traffic control
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Traffic control = child abuse
By telling children to beware motorists when it should be the other way round, and by forcing toddlers to learn age-inappropriate road-safety drill, the traffic control system amounts to institutionalised child abuse.
Heavy duty control
No doubt traffic engineers puff with pride at their ability to apportion equal green time to the multiple movements at interchanges such as Vauxhall Cross and Trafalgar Square (6 secs per min). Does it bother them that their complex algorithms … Continue reading
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Tagged Equality Streets, Trafalgar Square, traffic control, Vauxhall Cross, wisdom of crowds
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Google + Equality Streets v the TCD
High on Google’s list of good management tips is “empower your team and don’t micromanage.” If the TCD (traffic control dictatorship) had a list, its core directive would no doubt be the polar opposite, along the lines of “stamp on initiative, … Continue reading