Tag Archives: 20mph

More coercive control in the public realm

Transport Secretary Louise Haigh has given her “absolute support” to more 20mph zones and LTNs (low traffic neighbourhoods). Funding always seems to be available for coercive, divisive measures, yet re-education and road redesign – the consensual way to calm traffic … Continue reading

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Part of the case for 20mph is that if you’re on foot and hit, you’re less likely to be killed. So it’s OK if you survive with a broken body, is it? Is it beyond the wit of government to … Continue reading

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Idiot Minds

In this Mail article (thanks to FFDF for posting), a “spokesperson” for Sadiq Khan claims the major cause of urban congestion is roadworks. Not in my observation and experience. The chief cause of congestion (and to paraphrase Joni Mitchell, I’ve … Continue reading

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Simple messages

Sadiq Khan thinks 20mph will banish accidents and serious injuries on London’s roads. Obviously no bad thing if it does. But would you want to be hit by a bus doing 20? Nor would I. These people see things in … Continue reading

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A NICE solution to pollution?

Rampant health damage from poor air quality, including 40,000 premature deaths, prompts NICE to propose removing speed humps and introducing citywide 20mph to smooth traffic flow. As usual, the primary source of air pollution from staccato traffic motion – traffic lights – … Continue reading

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20mph – for simpletons

20mph campaigners’ hearts are in the right place, but the spirit is trumped by the letter. The Institute of Advanced Motorists states: “Good design and widespread consultation are the keys to the successful use of 20mph zones as a road safety tool, because … Continue reading

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20mph again

20mph is in the news, so at the risk of repetition: Who is the better judge of how fast or slow to go – you and me at the time and the place, or limits fixed by absent regulators? Painting … Continue reading

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Will 20mph save us?

Deaths and serious injuries are up in 20mph zones but up even more in 30mph. Official commentators say the jury is still out on the value of 20mph zones. My view is that true road safety will never be achieved by numbers. We … Continue reading

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Numbers v context

On the Today Programme the other day, a road safety spokesman (I missed his name) said the only way to reduce accidents is to reduce speed limits. He wants 20mph in all urban areas. As I’ve written elsewhere, would you want to … Continue reading

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