Old post

Just came across an old blogging site I used to use. It doesn’t seem fully functional, which isn’t surprising as it’s 16 years since I wrote this post (dated 2.3.2009):

Depressing announcement from the Association of Chief Police Officers. They propose average speed cameras instead of traffic calming measures in built-up areas to deter “speeding”. You can understand the rationale, but isn’t it misguided to extend state control at the expense of personal responsibility?

Speeding is a fabricated crime, like jaywalking. It’s not speed that kills, but inappropriate speed, or speed in the wrong hands.

Don’t policymakers realise that people behave worse when herded and hounded, and better when free to act according to commonsense and context?

Is it time to start installing traffic lights at cashpoints, and speed cameras on pavements, or time to start treating road-users as grown-ups?

About Martin Cassini

Campaign founder and video producer, pursuing traffic system reform to make roads safe, civilised and efficient
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