Will 20mph save us?

Deaths and serious injuries are up in 20mph zones but up even more in 30mph. Official commentators say the jury is still out on the value of 20mph zones. My view is that true road safety will never be achieved by numbers. We should drive according to context. Let us go at walking pace on busy streets, especially when children are around, and at our own chosen speed when conditions allow, e.g. on a clear motorway. In other words, let us use our own judgement, preferably informed by education, ability and experience. Story here.

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Lethal traffic contol

Snuffed out in Leicester yesterday: the lives of two toddlers in an “accident” at traffic lights. The police are studying CCTV footage to ascertain responsibility. Will they question the rules or design of the road? Do pigs fly? The dead toddlers, the bereaved family, the drivers “responsible” – all are victims of a lethal traffic control system. The people really responsible will remain anonymous and never be brought to book. Piteous story here.

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Where’s the real crime?

Full-time carer, Alec Dennis, 61, pleaded guilty to driving at 52 in a 30 limit on his way to rushing his son, who had stomach pains, to hospital. He was worried about leaving his disabled wife, but feared his son had appendicitis (it turned out to be kidney stones). He didn’t call an ambulance because of delays experienced in the past. He got 6 points, £85 fine and £15 victim surcharge. The time of day the speed camera caught him? 4.20 a.m. On the face of it, his conviction sounds criminally inappropriate. Story here.

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Pedestrians unite!

Useful corrective piece by Zoe Williams about pedestrians, and the failure of the authorities to highlight or address the danger they face. She is right to be angry, but as with most commentators. she misses the root cause of our road safety problems. I disagree with her checklist of measures to make roads safe for cyclists, but agree with her general thrust that until roads are fit for people on foot, they’ll be fit for no-one. “… Cyclists want nothing more radical than safe roads”. Road policy supports “motor hegemony [which] we senselessly accept.” As I often put it, the biggest indictment of the current system is it puts the onus on children to beware motorists when it could and should be the other way round.

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Equality: well-being and progress

On The Forum, Bangladeshi novelist, Tahmima Anam, said something along the lines of, “Whenever we’ve focused on equality, we’ve made huge social progress”. Among the examples she cited were the abolition of slavery and votes for women. Given the chance to prove it, we could show that equality applied to the roads would put an end to most of our road safety (and many of our congestion) problems.

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Pedestrian safety in SE1

You might be interested in this forum thread about pedestrian safety in Bermondsey High St. I just posted this: More signs, beetroot!? No! Signs are a sign of failure to design streets in a way that stimulates empathy and expresses a social context. The thing that irritates me most as a cyclist is when someone starts crossing without looking, then becomes aware of my approach, then hesitates and steps back in the path I was already taking to avoid him/her. “I was aware and ahead of you, now you’ve made me brake; you should have kept going”! (I think to myself). People on foot should feel confident about crossing. They should be king and queen of the street. Of course, they have responsibilities as well as rights, and shouldn’t dart unexpectedly into the road. But it should be up to cyclists and drivers to beware people on foot, not the other way round. We can read the movement of pedestrians and make adjustments in the blink of an eye. In busy urban settings, cyclists and drivers have no business driving at dangerous speeds. Even 20 can be inappropriate. Would you want to be hit by a bus or a bike doing 20? They should be proceeding carefully, merging sociably with other road-users. We should all be equals on the road.

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A sign of failure

As I’ve written elsewhere, instructional traffic signs are a sign of failure to design roads in a way that expresses equality and stimulates empathy. If we lived by equality instead of priority, we wouldn’t need signs like the one shown here. We wouldn’t need most traffic lights or cycle lanes either, because we’d be interacting on a level playing-field where mutual tolerance came naturally.

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Rise in road deaths

The transport select committee is worried about the rise in road deaths, 51 up on last year to 1901. It ignored our submissions about the role of traffic lights in causing congestion, so it’s doubtful they will listen to our critique of road safety policy. Is it surprising there are fatalities when the root cause of danger on the road – priority – goes untreated? Chair Louise Ellman is “shocked” that 27% of young male drivers are involved in “accidents”. Is it surprising given the inadequacy of the driving test? I repeat: most “accidents” are not accidents. They are events contrived by the rules and design of the road.

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Tangled up in red

Why stop at a red light? Once you’ve seen one, you’ve seen them all. Seriously, why should we stop when there is no conflicting traffic? Adulthood should be about independence and responsibility. What do traffic lights and speed limits do? Outlaw independent thought and action. Remove responsibility. Infantilise us. Yesterday I had the dubious pleasure of driving through Oxford and Swindon. In Oxford especially, there is hardly a crossing that isn’t governed by traffic lights. They cause continual congestion, block flow, boost emissions, produce great clumps of foreign visitors on traffic islands, gazing up at the lights, hardly daring to move. It’s stupefying that elected councillors and politicians defer to unelected, paid officials, who impose largely counterproductive controls at the expense of our time, health and sanity.

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Lights out – “drive with caution!”

Traffic lights are out at Kew Bridge. As usual, the official line is “Drivers are advised to approach with caution”, suggesting that when lights are “working”, we can revert to the officially-sanctioned default mode of driving with neglect.

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